Comment dites-vous Elle en finnois?

Project details

Client name Aller,

Project date Autumn 2012

Project responsibilities Art Director, Concept design

Project description

Planning the website was my first experience with planning a webpage with responsive design and also my biggest Drupal project to date.

I did not only plan a website but the wireframes I drew for the webpage were also the base for early versions of Drupaller. Aller Media’s own webpage platform used by several Scandinavian Aller companies built on top of the Drupal content management system, that is.

The webpage was not only designed to look nice on tablets and mobile devices but also included a lot of funtionality. A lot of effort was put into making article carousels and advanced photo galleries where the visitor could swipe between photos. The gallery was dressed in a photo room style to keep the visitors focus on the beautiful fashion photographs.